
Nejavina - Slavic 5E Setting and 3D Printable Miniatures

Created by The Printing Goes Ever On

A full-fledged RPG setting, rooted in Slavic Folklore and Mythology, with a set of 3D printable STL miniatures!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Tier 3 half way done! Next up - spells and items 🔥
about 2 years ago – Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 10:04:06 AM

You can now choose between a horizontal and vertical Nejavina-themed Character Sheet!

No matter if you like them wide or tall, we got you covered!

Amazing work, gang! Nejavina is now over 500 fantastic Backers strong 🧡

Suggested research material 📚 + The Initiative Towers Cross-Promotion
about 2 years ago – Mon, Apr 25, 2022 at 06:27:53 AM

On your request, we've compiled a list of worthy reads!

It’s not an easy task for one to find a good English book on Slavic mythology or customs, really! I know many sources worthy of attention written in Polish (that’s a prompt - learning a new language is always a good option!). In English though - that’s a different story! Luckily, doing my research I came across a few volumes in English that I can recommend you with a clear conscience:

1. “Creatures of Slavic Myth” for starters! It’s one of the books on Slavic mythology written by a Ukrainian author, Dmitriy Kushnir.

2. “Slavic Traditions & Mythology” by Stefan Cvetković

3. “Baba Yaga's Book of Witchcraft: Slavic Magic from the Witch of the Woods” by Madame Pamita

4. "Slavic and Kazakh Folklore Calendar: Typological and Ethno-Cultural Parallels" by Galina Vlasova

And here are some propositions from our backer, Pivowyn:

1. “The Bathhouse at Midnight: An Historical Survey of Magic and Divination in Russia” by W.F. Ryan

2. “The Key of Gold: 23 Czech Folk Tales” by Josef Baudis

3. “Traditional Slovak Folktales” by David L. Cooper

4. “Ukrainian Minstrels: Why the Blind Should Sing: And the Blind Shall Sing” by Natalie O. Kononenko

5. “Folk Tales From The Soviet Union: Central Asia And Kazakhstan” by Robert Babloyan and all the other books of this series

Maybe there’s something you would add to this set? If so, let us know in the comment!

Have you read any of these? If so, I'm curious of your thoughts and impressions! 

The Initiative Towers Cross-Promotion

The Initiative Towers are pieces of modular 3d printable scenery for your gaming table and they're also so much more: scenic tools to track the initiative in role playing games.

Rewards include digital STLs levels (starting from a 1€ pay-what-you-want) there are also commercial licenses and physical hand-painted towers available!

Already unlocked stretch goals include a combo initiative+dice tower, a bonus full-size tower (there's an ongoing survey to determine its theme) and various accessories.

You can check out Degenerate Polygons' campaign at this link: